How to grow Avocado, 5 steps to teach you how to grow

Many people do not know how to grow avocado. In fact, there are five steps. First, learn how to cultivate seedlings, be careful when transplanting and planting, ensure adequate lighting during growth and manage the mutual pollination of fruit trees, fruit trees and fruit trees. With these five steps, you can successfully grow avocados.

5 steps of avocado planting method

1. Cultivate seedlings

To know how to grow avocado, the first step is to choose seedlings. First go to the market to buy some avocado seeds that are full of granules. After buying back, you need to process them. Choose a sunny place. Then place the tip of the seed evenly and bury it in the soil. Cover the seeds with loose soil and water every seven or eight hours. Seedlings will grow around two weeks.

2. Transplanting

When the seedlings grow to a certain height, they can be transplanted. First, dig a row of small tree pits at intervals of three to four meters, and each row at an interval of four to five meters. Spread enough base fertilizer in each tree pit. When transplanting, transplant the roots into the dug tree pits together, try not to damage the roots, and water them immediately after completion to increase the survival rate of new seedlings.

3. Guarantee the light

Since avocado is a tropical fruit, it has high requirements on light and temperature. According to different regions, it is best to plant avocado trees in the warm season. During the growing time of the fruit trees, the daily light should be guaranteed for eight or nine hours.

4. Fruit tree management

The avocado tree has a very long growing period, and it will not bear fruit until five springs and autumns. Therefore, we must do the management of the fruit tree during its growth period, such as applying fertilizer, watering, loosening soil, pruning branches and leaves, etc. When avocado trees are young, potassium and phosphate fertilizers are the main ingredients, and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer is added. Then increase the amount of fertilization according to the growth of the fruit tree, and water it frequently to ensure the humidity of the fruit tree. In order to ensure that the fruit trees have sufficient light, we must constantly pruning and pruning the fruit trees.

5. Mutual pollination

The pollination of avocado is to ensure the yield of avocado. Usually two trees are pollinated with each other. When planting, all the trees are herringbone. When the wind blows, the pollination is greatly improved. Success rate. Or we can pollinate manually, collect pollen first on a sunny day, and spray it on the ground before the sun comes out in the morning after artificial treatment.

Conclusion: Seeing the above methods and steps, everyone knows how to grow avocado, I hope this article can help you grow avocado.



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